Sunday 28 August 2016

Advice for improving your CV

A competitive CV can be a highly significant component of a job application, so it is important to spend time revising, editing, and updating your document to increase your likelihood of being chosen for a position. Even if you already have a solid CV, you may want to consider reviewing these basic tips for improving your document.

Although it may seem basic, it is important to remember to proofread your CV several times before you submit it. Spelling and grammatical errors are unattractive to employers and may even seem suggestive of a lack of professionalism. It is advisable to have another person read over your CV as well because it is easy to miss errors when you have reread the same document repeatedly. Reading the document aloud can help you to hear any awkward structures that need to be reworded.


CVs should be formatted in a manner that is easy to read and professional in nature. Headings should be clear and concise, and sections should be broken up so that one section is not excessively longer than another. The font needs to be extremely clear and large enough to easily read from a computer screen. Furthermore, it is important to maintain a consistency with sizing, bolding, and the presentation of titles. This is a simple way to make your CV look professional.


You may want to consider adapting your CV to the specific job you are hoping to receive. This will make your CV stand out to employers, and it can help affirm that you are a perfect match for the job. Make sure your formatting and word choices are appropriate for the given field; furthermore, you will want to exemplify all of the experiences and accomplishments you have that are specifically applicable to the job. Make sure you are aware with the language of your field because the use of buzzwords that are currently popular in your field are likely to catch the attention of employers.


In the same way that it is important to adjust your language and formatting for different audiences, you may want to consider gathering a multitude of references so that you can list several for each job that you apply for. Try to choose referrers who are in the field you are entering or who can attest to your work specifically. For example, if you are applying for a job in education, a referee who has seen you teach or worked with you through your educational pursuits may be a more effective choice in comparison to a past employer for an unrelated job. Since many employers actually contact your referrers, make sure you choose people who you have been involved with on a recent basis who can attest to your qualifications.

Submitting a quality CV can greatly improve your chances of being chosen for your dream job. While these tips are by no means exhaustive, they offer useful advice to point you in the right direction toward creating a very effective CV. Visit build-a-career for further advice.

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